Jan 24, 2012

The Core

Some very exciting things have been developing in my worshiping community. There has been a general acknowledgment of God "doing something", and there is a growing excitement on the worship team and in the congregation as we wait to see what that "something" will become.

When we get to be an observer of God at work it is a truly amazing thing. I think of Israel standing before the Red Sea, the alter of fire on Mt. Carmel, or Jesus turning two little fish into a feast. All of these things inspired wonder for the observer, but to be a participant in the event must have been simply mind numbing. Simultaneously you are observing and serving in the event, possibly thinking "I don't know how this is actually occurring but I hope I don't mess it up." So you just keep holding your stick in the air, or walking back with an empty basket until it's over.

Personally, as my musicians grow in skill, and the church grows in expectation, I am trying to grow in understanding. Doing my best to foster a culture and community of worship that honors Jesus and serves my church. A few months ago I wrote about Who we at St. Giles are and, Why we do what we do. Recently I have been looking at developing and growing the team.  As I have done this I have been challenged with effectively communicating the foundational principals and core values of the Worship Ministry. After re-reading some posts, meditating on previous conversations, and praying, this is a draft of what constitutes the core of contemporary worship at St. Giles.

  • We aim to know the Position, Power, Sacrifice, and Work of our God.
  • We believe that all Believers are Equipped to worship Jesus.
  • We believe that worshiping Christ in Spirit and Truth changes the life of the Worshiper.
Why do we enter into worship the way we do?
     -Because eternity is resting on the congregation's/ individuals relationship with Jesus
How do we hit the mark in worship?
     -Through music that reaches the heart of our congregation, and lyrics that speak the truth.

At what are you aiming with the actions of your ministry, and what are the values that guide your decisions? How are you attempting to reach your goal, and is that supported fully by your core values? Most importantly, Why do you serve in the capacity you do?

1 comment:

  1. I think it a bit fitting that what we do in church is meant to land outside the walls of the building. All the time, practice, prayer...copying...we do these things for God, yes. We also do these things to act as a catalyst for our church members to have an opportunity to respond to the revelation of who God is. This in turn must empower them to go "tell the story".
